Monday 22 January 2018

Day 2

Now being an odd (some would say.... extremely odd!!) person with plumbing in the house, challenges... it's difficult to remember to blog the TIAS here!  So... here's days 1, 2 and 3!!

The tatty individual that runs the TIAS thinks I'm odd... she's right! I may just get this published as the next one comes out.. the weather outside is 'orrible... we've had rain, rain, and more rain since early December... odd days when it's dry and then it's freezing! Not good for floor tile laying near the back door!! Yesterday we lifted some that were put down a few days ago because the adhesive refuses to set and seal! We had to clean both the tiles AND the floor!! Door had to be open and it was snowing! Later it was raining so now we have wet, slush! Revolting!! Think I'll hibernate with knitting or crochet or tatting!!

Today we sealed the floor with glue and we're now waiting for it to dry! We've had to buy a gas bottle for the heater to dry the floors!  Now to tat, crochet or knit.... lazier time methinks!!

Anyway... any thoughts on what the TIAS is this time.?

Chat soon 


  1. I know what the TIAS is!!!!! That's all I'm saying. Glad it's not me tiling in this weather.
